[Freeswitch-users] Jitsi + Freeswitch (and general questions about SFU)

Colin Morelli colin.morelli at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 21:52:12 MSD 2016

Hey there,

Has anyone had success pairing up Freeswitch + Jitsi? Specifically I'm
interested in the SFU capabilities of Jitsi to replace just the video
conferencing portions of Freeswitch. I'm doing a lot of other things in FS
that will continue to be important on their own (DTMF, voicemail, SIP +
PSTN integration, etc), but the SFU support would be an awesome addition. I
saw that there's a SIP <-> Jitsi bridge which looks like it might be
promising - but I feel like the complexity would fairly quickly become

Alternatively, I wonder how much work it would be to add video-mode="sfu"
to mod_conference in FS. It's something that (in the future, not quite
yet), I might be interested in taking a stab at. Has anyone come up with a
list of things that would need to happen for SFU support? I might be a bit
naive here, but it seems FS has most of the building blocks in place
already, and mostly it would come down a) having a video stream selection
process, and b) generating appropriate SDPs when participants are
added/removed. I'm sure I must be missing something, though.


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