[Freeswitch-users] How to dynamically set up conferences?

Piotr Starzyk pstarzyk at general-devices.com
Thu Apr 14 21:54:11 MSD 2016

I see.  In that case, I guess my question really boils down to converting a
call into a conference.  To ‘move’ a leg from a call to a conference, do I
need to be looking into ‘bridge’ or ‘transfer’ tool?

Found a similar question from two years back, sadly without the final


*From:* freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org [mailto:
freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org] *On Behalf Of *Michael Jerris
*Sent:* Thursday, April 14, 2016 1:31 PM
*To:* FreeSWITCH Users Help <freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org>
*Subject:* Re: [Freeswitch-users] How to dynamically set up conferences?

I've seen a lot of people use Approach II and it is always a huge mess,
don't do it.  Approach 1 is actually very simple, but you can do it even
simpler than this, you can just transfer both call legs into a conference
on the fly, you don't need to hang up and call back.  If you adjust params
to not get tones and such, its nearly unnoticeable it happens so quick.

On Apr 14, 2016, at 12:28 PM, Piotr Starzyk <pstarzyk at general-devices.com>

Let’s say I have 3 SIP endpoints: Caller_A, Caller_B and Caller_C

Initially Caller_A calls Caller_B, so we end up with a SIP call between

But now, there will be some cases, when Caller_A will want to ‘conference
in’ Caller_C into the call between Caller_A and Caller_B.

How is it normally done?  Based on my limited understanding of
mod_conference, I would attempt doing it as following:

Approach I:

Tear down the original call between A & B, and set up a conference between
A, B & C:

1.       Caller_A calls Caller_B

2.       SIP call is established between Caller_A and Caller_B.

3.       After a while Caller_A wants to conference in Caller_C, as

a.       Caller_A hangs up the call with Caller_B

b.      Caller_A dials into a conference room.

c.       Caller_B dials into the same conference room.

d.      Caller_C dials into the same conference room.

4.       Caller_A, Caller_B and Caller_C are now in a conference.

Approach II:

Use conferences for all calls from the beginning, even the 2-way calls, to
make it easier to conference in additional callers:

1.       Caller_A dials into a conference room.

2.       Caller_B dials into a conference room.

3.       Calelr_A and Caller_B can now talk to each other.

4.       After a while Caller_A wants to conference in Caller_C

a.       Caller_C dials into the same conference room.

5.       Caller_A, Caller_B and Caller_C are now in a conference.

I’ve also read about eavesdrop tool, but I understand it only allows 3-way
communication, and I need to be able to support N-way.


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