[Freeswitch-users] The FreeSWITCH 1.6.2 release is here!

Ken Rice krice at freeswitch.org
Mon Sep 28 22:11:15 MSD 2015

New Post on freeswitch.org from Kathleen King
check it out at http://ift.tt/1KG5gQs
The FreeSWITCH 1.6.2 release is here!
The FreeSWITCH 1.6.2 release is here! This is the release of the Video/MCU branch!

Release files are located here:

Tarball: http://ift.tt/1KG5h6I

Packaging: http://ift.tt/1U8FMQN (Please Note the updated location for 1.6 packages)

And we’re dropping support in packaging for anything older than Debian 8.0 and anything older than Centos 7.0 due to a number of dependency issues on older platforms.

New features that were added:

FS-8094 [verto_communicator] Added googEchoCancellation, googNoiseSuppression, and googHighpassFilter settings to the UI enabled by default

FS-8107 [switch_ivr_menu] Adding CUSTOM esl events menu::enter and menu::exit when a call enter and exit an ivr menu

FS-6833 Allow Freeswitch to initiate late offer calls

FS-8075 [mod_hiredis] Add conf file to spec file too and updates for limit release case

FS-8053 Handle a=sendonly, a=sendrecv, a=recvonly to change who is sending video during a call

Improvements in build system, cross platform support, and packaging:

FS-7966 [Windows] Build now uses visual studio 2015 and builds successfully, but is still missing video functionality

FS-8124 [verto_communicator] Adding option –debug to grunt build, dist app will be generated without minified code.

FS-7168 [Debian] Update packages so that FS core libraries are setup as runtime dependencies

FS-7697 Chown the /etc/freeswitch/tls directory so that the freeswitch user can have read/write for TLS certificate generation

FS-7966 [Windows] Explore use of nuget for wix build dependency

FS-7967 [build] SmartOS compatibility

FS-8072 [Debian] Fixed a missed space

The following bugs were squashed:

FS-8099 [mod_lua] Restored LUA dialplan ACTIONS functionality

FS-7988 [filebug.pl] Moved -askall to -terse so old -askall behavior is default and old default is now -terse

FS-8029 [jitterbuffer] Fixed robotic sound when using jitterbuffer

FS-8103 [mod_rayo] Fixed handling of malformed requests

FS-8108 [mod_lua] Removed legacy mod_lua, the regular mod_lua works with system lua now

FS-8082 [mod_rayo] Fixed a segfault

FS-8110 [mod_rayo] Prompt IQ error reply was being deleted after being sent for delivery. This is incorrect since message delivery thread will clean up the message

FS-8116 [verto] Fixed device enumeration hanging on init

FS-8118 [verto] Fixed calls not properly rejecting video when video is offered but only audio is accepted

FS-7994 [verto_communicator] Using factory for group calls in history

FS-8117 [verto_communicator] Calling verto.iceServers upon useSTUN changing on ModalSettings, correctly check for STUN setting in localStorage, and fixed ignoring useSTUN settings

FS-8127 [mod_conference] Fixed an audio issue caused by the codec not updating often enough when detecting rate change

FS-8088 [verto_communicator] Fixed members list being destroyed after switching conferences and ending the first conference

FS-8130  Port video buffer to also support audio and remove original STFU jitter buffer, add some more resilience to video packet loss, add codec control mechanism for both call-specific debug and codec/call specific parameters, make opus function better in packet loss and latent situations, use new codec control prams to make jitter buffer lookahead FEC optionally enabled or disabled mid-call, and add a parameter to allow jitter buffer lookahead to be enabled.

FS-8131 [mod_voicemail] Fixed issues with allowing an empty password change and then locking out the user

FS-8136 [mod_h26x] Do not load passthru video codecs by default

FS-8140 [mod_sofia] Fixed a user_name typo in sofia_handle_sip_i_invite

FS-8142 Fixed  a thread cache thread-safety and caching

FS-8075 [mod_hiredis] Fix for failover when you pull power on redis, while redis clients under load test

FS-8144 [mod_opus] Readability and code formatting cleanup

FS-8126 [switch_core] Fixed the pruning of a media bug causing all media bugs on a session to be pruned

FS-8143 [mod_rayo] Fixed a crash caused by client disconnecting from mod_rayo while a message is being delivered to that client. This is caused by the XMPP context’s JID -> XMPP stream mapping not being cleaned up on XMPP stream destruction.

FS-8147 [mod_erlang_event] Fixed the process spawning segfault

FS-8149 [mod_xml_cdr] Fixed curl dependency in makefile

FS-1772 [mod_voicemail] Fixed the reset of voicemail greeting to default to allow entering 0 to restore the default greeting

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