[Freeswitch-users] Cleanup destination_number with country code
Michael Nielsen
mic.niel84 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 13:20:08 MSD 2015
This is my dialplan so far, where I want to add this functionality (
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^(\+\d{3,20})$">
<action application="set" data="dialed_number=$1" inline="true"/>
<action application="export" data="dialed_number=$1" inline="true"/>
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^(\d{3,20})$">
<action application="set" data="dialed_number=${country_code}$1"
<action application="export" data="dialed_number=${country_code}$1"
<condition field="${dialed_number}" IF-USER-EXISTS>
<action application="set" data="call_timeout=20"/>
<action application="set" data="hangup_after_bridge=true"/>
<action application="set" data="continue_on_fail=true"/>
<action application="bridge" data="user/${dialed_number}@
<action application="answer"/>
<action application="sleep" data="1000"/>
<action application="bridge" data="loopback/app=voicemail:default
${domain_name} ${dialed_number}"/>
<condition field="${dialed_number}" IF-USER-DO-NOT-EXISTS>
<action application="set"
<action application="set"
<action application="bridge"
On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 9:32 AM, Michael Nielsen <mic.niel84 at gmail.com>
> I would like to check if the called number contains a country code, if not
> then one should be added.
> I've got a variable in my user's XML file called country_code containing
> +44.
> This is my code so far, however, I think the last to conditions overlap:
> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(\+\d{3,20})$">
> <action application="export" data="dialed_extension=$1"/>
> </condition>
> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^00(\d{3,20})$">
> <action application="export" data="dialed_extension=+$1"/>
> </condition>
> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(\d{3,20})$">
> <action application="export"
> data="dialed_extension=${country_code}$1"/>
> </condition>
> I would like to change 00 to +, and if no + is on the number then use
> country_code from the user. If it does contain a +, then just use the
> dialled number.
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