[Freeswitch-users] FS LTS version

ik idokan at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 11:10:48 MSK 2015


It seems that every single year there is a new EOL (end of life) of FS
version (e.g. 1.4 at this time) and a new version series that replaces it
(e.g. 1.6).

The problem is that it's not a simple act to update production servers.
When you have a lot of servers (in different clients and locations) it's
even harder.

Many products, including Linux, and even Asterisk have LTS versions, and
newer releases versions.
The new releases has new features and way to do stuff, but the LTS get bug
fixes and are stable for long period of time (usually 5 years).

What does it take to have LTS version with FS, that the new releases will
not stop, but EOL will be much longer for some of it's versions?

Are there any plans for such things?
How we as a community can help?

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