[Freeswitch-users] Privacy and P-asserted-id header in responses
Tomáš Boros
boros at vmtele.com
Fri May 15 12:29:39 MSD 2015
We are having troubles with some cases.
Case is the following:
[Provider A] --------[FS]-------[user redirects call to number back to
operator A]-----|
[Provider A]
So a there is an incoming call from Provider A, we use Freeswitch for
interconnection. The call goes to our network, where client redirects
the call back to provider A (to different number then caller).
In such a case Diversion header is added with the user's phone number.
Provider A (on the second leg..third?!) when accepts the call sends an
200 OK message with P-Asserted-identity and Privacy: ID header.
My question is, it is possible to pass these headers back to our network
and again back to the Provider A?
Provider wants to see on their first leg, that the call was answered in
their network using p-asserted-identity header.
copy_custom_headers does not solves this issue, as P-Asserted and
Privacy headers are not custom headers.
Thank you,
Tomáš Boros
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