[Freeswitch-users] Simulate incoming SIP Message

Kurtis Heimerl kheimerl at cs.berkeley.edu
Mon May 4 08:48:55 MSD 2015

Hello FreeSWITCH Users,

I am trying to simulate an incoming SIP message in order to test my
chatplan programmatically. Basically, I want FS to send itself a SIP
message, which will then be routed through the chatplan. I've been able to
generate the message using ESL and events, however FS refuses to send it
noting that it is "Not sending message to ourselves!"

That's exactly what I want it to do. I've used this functionality before
for calls, as generating a call that connects back to FS (and hooking it to
echo) is a great way to test the dialplan. Is there no way to get FS to
send itself a message?

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