[Freeswitch-users] High Availability for Webrtc/DTLS ?

Sharath Kumar Sharath.Kumar at meZocliq.com
Fri Jun 5 00:10:09 MSD 2015


I am using Freeswitch for terminating DTLS traffic while the webrtc/websocket is terminated by a Kamailio front-ending the FS.
Assuming I have HA configured as given here https://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/High+Availability
Can I successfully recover calls on the secondary using 'sofia recover' when the primary crashes ?
My gut feel is it won't work since the DTLS context probably needs to be sent to the secondary as well ? Perhaps the secondary needs to do a new offer-anwer and regneg DTLS ?

Thoughts? I am going to try this anyway but if someone knows it will save me a ton of time.

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