[Freeswitch-users] Routing based on CID Name
David S. Dee
dsdee at dsba.net
Fri Jul 24 01:36:33 MSD 2015
I've been a freeswitch user for some time, but I am finally getting
around to trying to get idea working again.
I have an in-house CID lookup routine that works fine... it sets
caller_id_name and effective_caller_id_name and those modified names
show up fine on my telephones when the calls come in.
That lookup routine adds a prefix of TM: if its a telemarketer, or VM:
if i want the caller to go directly to voicemail... Basically, if the
original CID from my provider shows up as "FOO Marketing", then after
the cid-extension runs, the caller_id_name and effective_caller_name to
"TM:FOO Marketing"....
What is -not- working is the routing.
I have an extension right after the CID Lookup that I want to do the
routing directly to voicemail. Watching the debug logs, it appears
that the field is already parsed and is set to the *original* callerid
name that was available when the call came in... Trying different
variations of field="caller_id_name" and field="${caller_id_name}" (and
same with effective_caller_id_name) still yields no joy.
Any guidance? The snippets from my dialplan are below.
<extension name="CID Inbound Lookup" continue="true"> <condition
field="ani" expression="(\d{10})"> <action application="log"
data="INFO In CID Inbound Lookup '$1' -- The Second Time"/>
<action application="log" data="INFO CIDLookup(before): CID Num:
'${caller_id_number}' CID Name: '${caller_id_name}' Orig CID Name:
'${original_caller_id_name}' Dest: '${destination_number}'"/>
<action application="set" data="url=num=${caller_id_number}&name=${url_-
<action application="log" data="INFO CIDLookup(before): url: '${url}'"/>
<action application="curl" data="
http://MYDOMAIN.com/MYCIDLOOKUP.php?${url}"/[1]> <action
<action application="log" data="INFO CIDLookup(after ):
curl_response_code: ${curl_response_code}"/> <action
application="log" data="INFO CIDLookup(after ): curl_response_data:
<action application="set" data="caller_id_name=${curl_response_data}"/>
<action application="set"
<action application="log" data="INFO CIDLookup(after ): CID Num:
'${caller_id_number}' CID Name: '${caller_id_name}' Orig CID Name:
'${original_caller_id_name}' Dest: '${destination_number}'"/>
<action application="log" data="INFO CIDLookup(after ): caller_id_name:
'${caller_id_name}', original_caller_id_name:
'${original_caller_id_name}', effective_caller_id_name:
'${effective_caller_id_name}'" />
<!-- This event will be picked up by HB-Bot for announcing -->
<action application="event" data="Event-Name=CUSTOM,Event-
</condition> </extension> and here are my test cases that are *right*
after the above... but yet can't pick up the change in variables. *ONE*
of these (I expect '3b' or '1') should fire... none do.
<extension name="cid_test_0" continue="true"> <condition
field="original_caller_id_name" expression="TM" > <action
application="log" data="INFO cid_test_0: :
'${original_caller_id_name}'"/> </condition> </extension>
<extension name="cid_test_1" continue="true"> <condition
field="caller_id_name" expression="TM" > <action
application="log" data="INFO cid_test_1: : '${caller_id_name}'"/>
</condition> </extension>
<extension name="cid_test_2" continue="true"> <condition
field="effective_caller_id_name" expression="TM" > <action
application="log" data="INFO cid_test_2: :
'${effective_caller_id_name}'"/> </condition> </extension>
<extension name="cid_test_3" continue="true"> <condition
field='${caller_id_name}' expression="TM" > <action
application="log" data="INFO cid_test_3: : '${caller_id_name}'"/>
</condition> </extension>
<extension name="cid_test_3b" continue="true"> <condition
field="${caller_id_name}" expression="TM" > <action
application="log" data="INFO cid_test_3b: : '${caller_id_name}'"/>
</condition> </extension>
<extension name="cid_test_4" continue="true"> <condition
field='${effective_caller_id_name}' expression="TM" > <action
application="log" data="INFO cid_test_4: :
'${effective_caller_id_name}'"/> </condition> </extension>
<extension name="cid_test_5" continue="true"> <condition
field='${effective_caller_id_name}' expression="TM" > <action
application="log" data="INFO cid_test_5: :
'${effective_caller_id_name}'"/> </condition> </extension>
1. http://www.dsba.net/voip/cidlookup.php?${url}"/
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