[Freeswitch-users] B leg ringing when Caller hangup before answer
Bote Man
bote_radio at botecomm.com
Tue Feb 17 23:41:53 MSK 2015
I have used the Patton FXO AND FXS gateways to bring analog lines into
FreeSWITCH with success, but their programming requires a 4 year college
degree to figure out! The Patton gateways will detect call progress tones as
well as loop battery interrupt to know that the FXO has released the call
and will process that correctly to tell FS to end the call.
Thanks for your experience as switching to something else might be better,
instead of testing different scenarios.
-----Original Message-----
From: covici at ccs.covici.com
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February, 2015 15:19
Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] B leg ringing when Caller hangup before
I tried that card with freetdm and had very bad luck with it -- you would be
better served by an interface device such as Linksys or Audiocode or some
others to convert to sip.
> From: Charles Wang
> Sent: Tuesday, 17 February, 2015 14:48
> Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] B leg ringing when Caller hangup
> before answer
> I use analog card named TDM400P and there are two FXS and two FXO on it.
You can find it from this url http://www.ryu.com.tw/image/A400P.jpg. There
is a white power outlet behind it.
> Best regards,
> Charles
> 2015-02-17 16:00 GMT+08:00 Bote Man <bote_radio at botecomm.com>:
> It sounds like your originating caller is analog and is not providing
supervision signal to indicate to the FXO port that it has released the
call, therefore FS continues as if the call is still held active.
> In some configurations the loop battery is interrupted briefly to indicate
that the call has been released. In other cases you must detect call
progress tones that indicate that the caller is no longer present. In some
cases there is no indication provided to the FXO port and only timers and
the Leg B will help you.
> Bote
> From: Charles Wang
> Sent: Thursday, 12 February, 2015 11:26
> Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] B leg ringing when Caller hangup
> before answer
> Hi Brian,
> I ever try to answer the A leg in dialplan before bridge to B leg. But the
condition is the same.
> B leg is still ringing after I hangup the FXO.
> I notice that the ringing of B leg will stop if the inbound tdm leg is
> Let me know if you have any suggestion.
> Best regards,
> Charles
> 2015-02-12 23:43 GMT+08:00 Brian West <brian at freeswitch.org>:
> You may wish to answer that inbound tdm leg before ringing out to the sip
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 3:47 AM, Charles Wang <lazy.charles at gmail.com>
> Hi all,
> I have a server with freeswitch 1.4.15 + freetdm(FXS/FXO). I think there
is a bug in inbound call via the freetdm FXO device.
> When I try to make call from FXO and it bridges to SIP device named 1234
via the following dialplan.
> <extension name="my call test">
> <condition field="destination_number"
> expression="^(1234)$">
> <action application="set"
> data="call_timeout=30"/>
> <action application="bridge"
> data="user/1234"/>
> </condition>
> </extension>
> Before SIP 1234 answers the call, the caller (FXO) hangup call before 1234
answered. But the callee (SIP 1234) is still ringing and stop ring after
about 30 seconds.
> It is the same condition if the callee is FXS device.
> I can find two channels during ringing (A leg & B leg).
> After the caller(FXO) onhook, the A leg is still alive and A leg will not
be hangup before the callee (FXS or SIP) stop ring ( call-timeout ).
> There are two legs (A leg & B leg) after the caller FXO had hangup.
> uuid,direction,created,created_epoch,name,state,cid_name,cid_num,ip_ad
> dr,dest,application,application_data,dialplan,context,read_codec,read_
> rate,read_bit_rate,write_codec,write_rate,write_bit_rate,secure,hostna
> me,presence_id,presence_data,callstate,callee_name,callee_num,callee_d
> irection,call_uuid,sent_callee_name,sent_callee_num,initial_cid_name,i
> nitial_cid_num,initial_ip_addr,initial_dest,initial_dialplan,initial_c
> ontext
> 53ce4fe9-9511-4625-87ae-1448421c9810,inbound,2015-02-12
> 17:33:11,1423733591,FreeTDM/2:2/1234,CS_EXECUTE,unknown,unknown,,1234,
> bridge,freetdm/FXS1/1,XML,TEST,PCMU,8000,64000,PCMU,8000,64000,,charle
> s,,,RINGING,,,,,,,unknown,unknown,,1234,XML,default
> cf5a7ee4-cbfd-48e4-ab4e-4d757216712c,outbound,2015-02-12
> 17:33:12,1423733592,FreeTDM/1:1/,CS_CONSUME_MEDIA,unknown,unknown,,1,,
> ,XML,default,,,,,,,,charles,,,RINGING,Outbound
> Call,1,,53ce4fe9-9511-4625-87ae-1448421c9810,,,unknown,unknown,,1,XML,
> default
> Can anyone help me to solve it or tell me why?
> --
> Best Regards
> Charles
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> Best Regards
> Charles
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