[Freeswitch-users] Help Required for Outbound call

Manish Talwar manish.talwar at zaristo.com
Tue Oct 21 16:49:18 MSD 2014


We have successfully integrated FreeSwitch with our current web based IVR application by "httapi", Its working fine as per our requirement. We have setup FreeSwitch on our "linux EC2 AWS Server",  and its successfully handshaking our IVR application with FreeSwitch.

Now, we need to integrate out?bound call in our application, i.e. "to make an international call" or "Speak to Customer Care Executive". I have looked about httapi "dial" command for this purpose, but I am not able to make a call by this command.

Please suggest me whether we can make a Outbound call by HTTAPI "Dial" command or Is there any other ways to do this task. Please share some examples of XML Request which we need to send in FreeSwitch for making a call via HTTAPI.

Also, we are planning to integrate "NEXMO" in our application. Please share some helpful links for integrating it with FreeSwitch if possible.



Manish Talwar

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