[Freeswitch-users] NATIVE SQL ERR [unable to open database file]

Linux Vince linuxv at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 18:40:10 MSD 2014


I am trying to confure FreeSwitch for my VOIP gateway.

It works really good in testing in low load.

However, whenever i try to increase load it takes only around 240
concurrent calls and any call beyond that it starts giving 503, Bad Gateway

On console i start getting below error, which led me to believe that
database issue and it seems it cannot take more connections. I tried
setting up MySQL as database as well with same results.

2014-10-13 20:00:50.680811 [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:1196 SQL ERR: [select
state,status,rpid,presence_id,uuid from sip_dialogs where uuid !=
'35579a26-4bc4-40ab-ae5c-a2b6f460c801' and call_info_state != 'seized' and
hostname='BOX02' and profile_name='internal' and ((sip_from_user='sipp' and
sip_from_host='') or presence_id='sipp at') order by rcd
desc] unable to open database file
2014-10-13 20:00:50.680811 [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:586 NATIVE SQL ERR
[unable to open database file]
update sip_subscriptions set version=version+1 where hostname='BOX02' and
profile_name='internal' and sip_subscriptions.event != 'line-seize' and
sip_subscriptions.proto='sip' and (event='presence' or event='dialog') and
sub_to_user='sipp' and (sub_to_host='' or sub_to_host=''
or sub_to_host='N/A' or presence_hosts like '%') and
(sip_subscriptions.profile_name = 'internal' or presence_hosts like
2014-10-13 20:00:50.680811 [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:1196 SQL ERR: [select
sip_subscriptions.network_port from sip_subscriptions left join
sip_presence on (sip_subscriptions.sub_to_user=sip_presence.sip_user and
sip_subscriptions.sub_to_host=sip_presence.sip_host and
sip_subscriptions.profile_name=sip_presence.profile_name and
sip_subscriptions.hostname=sip_presence.hostname) where
sip_subscriptions.hostname='BOX02' and
sip_subscriptions.profile_name='internal' and sip_subscriptions.event !=
'line-seize' and sip_subscriptions.proto='sip' and (event='presence' or
event='dialog') and sub_to_user='sipp' and (sub_to_host='' or
sub_to_host='' or sub_to_host='N/A' or presence_hosts like
'%') ] unable to open database file

Please help.

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