[Freeswitch-users] more skypopen questions

Giovanni Maruzzelli gmaruzz at gmail.com
Fri May 16 20:38:39 MSD 2014

On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Russell Treleaven
<rtreleaven at bunnykick.ca>wrote:

> q: why are the symlinks created for the instances?

so when the script launches the Skype client instances you can see them in
a distinct way: eg: skypopen interface skype103 will be served by skype
instance you see as "skype103" when you use "ps ax" on your machine. This
is useful when you want to bring down, up, etc a specific
interface/instance. If you don't use symlinks, they will all be "skype" on
ps ax, no way to distinguish one from other

q: why are the passwords not stored in the xml skypopen.conf.xml

because that xml has nothing to do with the launch of a skype client
instance. You must give the skype client the password in stdin

q: How do I start skypopen.ko module from modbrope.d?

Please consult your distribution instructions, is different on each linux
distro. Anyway, you can start it from the script that launches the skype

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