[Freeswitch-users] How does bridge work with sip_bye_h_X-?

Grant Bagdasarian GB at cm.nl
Wed May 14 17:40:31 MSD 2014


How do I export a custom header received in the BYE from the A Leg to the B Leg's BYE?

I have two Freeswitch servers which communicate directly with each other.
The first originates a call (originate command) to the second FS server.
The second FS server then bridges the call to its remote destination.
This leaves 1 outbound leg on the first,  one incoming and one outgoing on the second.

Once the call has been terminated by the first FS server. The BYE request contains the custom header.
<action application="export" data="sip_bye_h_X-MyCustomHeader=MyCustomHeaderValue"/>. No problem here.

The header X-MyCustomHeader is present in the A Leg of the second FS server, but  exporting this header to the B Leg doesn't work.
I tried:

1)      <action application="export" data="sip_bye_h_X-MyCustomHeader=${ sip_bye_h_X-MyCustomHeader} "/>

2)      <action application="bridge" data="{sip_bye_h_X-MyCustomHeader=${ sip_bye_h_X-MyCustomHeader} }sofia/internal/${destination_number}@"/>

None of these two work.

Does anyone have an idea how to do this?
Also, is it possible to test if this header is present in the A Leg's BYE message before exporting it to the B Leg?

Kind regards,

Grant Bagdasarian
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