[Freeswitch-users] WSS Certificate issue

Oleg Stolyar olegstolyar at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 23:25:26 MSD 2014


I've run into a strange problem.  I cannot establish a wss connection to my
FreeSWITCH from my Android Chrome or Android Firefox.  I believe Firefox on
a Mac is also affected although it works fine on both Chrome and Firefox on

The error is "The site's security certificate is not trusted"

I thought that I did not set up the cert correctly but it turns out that
the FS own WebRTC demo has the same problem.  If you go to this URL
https://webrtc.freeswitch.org:7443 from your Android Chrome browser, you
will see it.

I consulted with my security team and the best we could guess was that the
FS code does not check or use the cert chain from ca-bundle.crt and some
browsers are not smart enough to figure it out on their own.

Any ideas?
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