[Freeswitch-users] Testing mod_verto, a few ideas

Antonio Silva asilva at wirelessmundi.com
Thu Jul 24 20:55:55 MSD 2014


i was testing mod_verto. I love this new endpoint. :)

During the tests, i saw a few details that i think could be nice to have
comparing to the other endpoints.

- dbname  - we can't force the path where to store json.db for presence,
right now it creats a json.db in the directory, freeswitch/db, This db
is used for presence, no?
- profile restart / relaod configuration without dropping the active
calls, right now the command i use is reload mod_verto which drops all
the active calls 
- implement new option to disable login from websocket, like in sofia
"sip-forbid-register", i solved by setting a random jsonrpc-password
- cannot force caller id from directory with variables, i set the
variable effective_caller_id_name and effective_caller_id_number in
directory.xml but they are not used... possible other variables could be
- missing internal events, like in sofia, for example, sofia:register,
quite useful to monitor the registered verto endpoints with esl.
- without setting the parameter mcast_ip, sometimes i have the error
repeated multiple times: 
        2014-07-24 16:59:25.973074 [ERR] mod_verto.c:3247 MCAST INVALID

Since this is a resume of my testing i didn't report them on jira, If
you wish i can open separated jira's to each point.


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