[Freeswitch-users] Controlling websockets ip the FS binds too

Yosi Taguri yosi at taguri.com
Wed Jul 16 10:56:47 MSD 2014

we have machines with two network cards, one is private and one is public.
It seems that FS doesn't allow to specify the ip for ws-binding and

<param name="wss-binding" value=":7443"/>

trying to put an ip before the colon ends up with a profile not being
from looking at the source code it seems that the code looks for sip-ip
setting which in our case is set to the internal ip.

Am I missing something?


Yosi Taguri | Founder & CTO | Yalo | http://yaloapp.com <http://ahhhpah.com>
| Mobile: +972-54-4816020 | Google Voice US Mobile: +1 (415) 935-1126 |
Email: yosi at taguri.com
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