[Freeswitch-users] New warning message: sofia_dialog_probe_callback: not enough info to generate a dialog entry

Sean Devoy sdevoy at bizfocused.com
Sat Jul 12 04:22:34 MSD 2014


This is new to me, can anyone point me where I might find more information or what this means?

I have not found any telephony event to correlate the messages to:
2014-07-11 19:45:02.938843 [WARNING] sofia_presence.c:1967 sofia_dialog_probe_callback: not enough info to generate a dialog entry
2014-07-11 20:04:15.449079 [WARNING] sofia_presence.c:1967 sofia_dialog_probe_callback: not enough info to generate a dialog entry
2014-07-11 20:04:34.479535 [WARNING] sofia_presence.c:1967 sofia_dialog_probe_callback: not enough info to generate a dialog entry
2014-07-11 20:14:46.999121 [WARNING] sofia_presence.c:1967 sofia_dialog_probe_callback: not enough info to generate a dialog entry

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