[Freeswitch-users] multi domain issue

fs fs at voice2net.ca
Fri Jan 17 21:43:46 MSK 2014

Re: [Freeswitch-users] Diff between the transfer and bridge application?I run freeswitch in the multi domain mode.  I am getting complaints about cross domain calls.  For example, a DID should go to ext  21 at xxx1.voice2net.ca and it does but it also goes to 21 at xxx2.voice2net.ca

My dial plan bridges as follows;

<action application="bridge" data="{sip_invite_domain=xxx1.voice2net.ca,presence_id=21 at xxx1.voice2net.ca}user/21 at xxx1.voice2net.ca"/>

Registrations are fine and most calling works perfectly, but I get this a few times a day.

I commented out the following to support multiple domains

    <!--all inbound reg will look in this domain for the users -->
    <!--<param name="force-register-domain" value="$${domain}"/>-->
    <!--force the domain in subscriptions to this value -->
    <!--<param name="force-subscription-domain" value="$${domain}"/>-->
    <!--all inbound reg will stored in the db using this domain -->
    <!--<param name="force-register-db-domain" value="$${domain}"/>-->

Any thoughts??

Darcy Primrose
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