[Freeswitch-users] Mod_Manage won't build switch_core_port_allocator_new

Andre andretodd at verizon.net
Sat Feb 8 21:19:04 MSK 2014

Hi, I downloaded freeswitch-1.2.19.tar.gz today and Mod_manage won't build.
The code that is the problem is line 8794 in freeswitch_wrap.2010.cxx


SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_port_allocator_new(unsigned
short jarg1, unsigned short jarg2, unsigned long jarg3, void * jarg4) {

  int jresult ;

  switch_port_t arg1 ;

  switch_port_t arg2 ;

  switch_port_flag_t arg3 ;

  switch_core_port_allocator_t **arg4 = (switch_core_port_allocator_t **) 0

  switch_status_t result;


  arg1 = (switch_port_t)jarg1; 

  arg2 = (switch_port_t)jarg2; 

  arg3 = (switch_port_flag_t)jarg3; 

  arg4 = (switch_core_port_allocator_t **)jarg4; 

  result =

  jresult = result; 

  return jresult;



error C2664: 'switch_core_port_allocator_new' : cannot convert parameter 1
from 'switch_port_t' to 'const char *'

IntelliSense: too few arguments in function call
..\mod_managed\freeswitch_wrap.2010.cxx               8806      79


Looking at the method switch_core_port_allocator_new this seems to of
changed. How do I fix the code?



SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_port_allocator_new(_In_ const
char *ip, _In_ switch_port_t start,

_In_ switch_port_t end, _In_ switch_port_flag_t flags, _Out_
switch_core_port_allocator_t **new_allocator);


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