[Freeswitch-users] Hoot get variables in a LUA Hook Event.
jaimecm at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 06:04:43 MSK 2014
I¹m trying to use the Hook event¹s with LUA script¹s when the channel Hangup
a call,
but I¹m unable to get the variables, for example uuid, ani or billed seconds
for the call,
I¹m using freeswitch 1.4.13 on Centos 6.6 and my configuration is:
In /autoload_configs/lua.conf.xml
<hook event="CHANNEL_HANGUP_COMPLETE" script="catch-event-cdr1.lua"/>
In my catch-event-cdr1.lua script I wrote:
ses = freeswitch.Session();
my_uuid = ses:getVariable("uuid");
freeswitch.consoleLog("notice"," uuid=("..my_uuid..")\n")
But I¹m get the following error:
2014-12-15 23:51:46.100755 [ERR] switch_cpp.cpp:724 session is not
2014-12-15 23:51:46.100755 [NOTICE] switch_cpp.cpp:1328 uuid=()
Also, in the wiki doc I see a reference for the ³env² Object,
(https://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_lua#Special_Case:_env_object) but if I
call it as the example in the same lua script my result is:
How I call the env variable:
dat = env:serialize()
freeswitch.consoleLog("INFO","Here's everything:\n" .. dat .. "\n²)
And I got the following error:
2014-12-16 00:00:17.440782 [ERR] mod_lua.cpp:203
/usr/share/freeswitch/scripts/catch-event-reg6.lua:27: attempt to index
global 'env' (a nil value)
Your help will be appreciated.
Jaimecm at gmail.com
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