[Freeswitch-users] Network Card

Andre andretodd at verizon.net
Thu Aug 14 22:59:16 MSD 2014

Just testing for now, no production traffic. Trying to find the breaking


The reason for the questions are because I'm testing FS and after a certain
point I am getting very high PDD, more than 6 seconds.  Per the CDR's it
takes about 6 seconds from start time in CDR Inbound to CDR outbound.

I have tried 1 to 10 profiles to see if that makes a difference but it
doesn't and 1 to 4 consoles running one profile each still no difference.


Any idea why the CDR's should show it would take 6 seconds to get from start
of inbound to start of outbound?  


From: freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org
[mailto:freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org] On Behalf Of Ken Rice
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 2:06 PM
To: FreeSWITCH Users Help
Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] Network Card


1000 CPS the NIC is not the bottle neck this is actually relatively small
amount of TCP/UDP traffic for just the SIP message.

Now the RTP @ 1000 calls on the other hand assuming G711 at 20ms ptime. And
assuming 1 leg calls originating from a dialer would generate 80megabits of
RTP (at the IP layer even more on the wire), and approx 50K PPS. Assuming 2
leg'd calls bridging media 160megabit and 100K PPS of just RTP... 

But then we have to extrapolate peak concurrent from 1000 CPS... Assuming
dialer traffic again, 75% ASR and 20 second ACD, and lets assume the 25% are
just hard failed for the calculation (no early media on these) that gives us
750 new calls/sec and over the course of 20 seconds we accumulate 15,000
concurrent calls..

So lets take that and extrapolate bandwidth and PPS requirements for single
leg'd calls of 1.43Gig/sec (on the wire) and 750K PPS so that's going to
exceed the bandwidth of a GIG-E connection so you'd have to break this into
2 RTP endpoints in sofia, and make sure you switches/routers could handle
the PPS loads. 

Double that to 2 leg calls and you have 2.86G/sec of RTP (again on the wire
including UDP, IP, ethernet framing over heads) and pushing 1.5million PPS.

Here again this dictates at least 3 gig-e NICs on your FS box. Is this
possible? I'm sure it is with the right hardware configuration... But lets
step back a minute and really consider what is going on...

You are now putting approx over $2000/hr of traffic on a very expensive box
that can and will at some point fail. Why are you doing such a thing? You're
better off limiting rates to sub 1000 CPS, (say 500CPS) deploying 3 boxes to
handle the load in n+1 configuration, and if you lose a box you arent losing
$2000+ in revenue and cranky customers while you repair/replace the now dead

Lets face it, you can purchase a colo a nice machine for say 200 to
300$/month (assuming bandwidth costs are the same as above so that's a wash
instead of trying to cram it all on box that ends up costing you 1000/month
by the time you pay for the hardware and colocation expenses for it.

On 8/14/14 11:56 AM, "Russell Treleaven" <rtreleaven at bunnykick.ca> wrote:

1000 calls per second... no idea but I really doubt the network interface is
going to be the bottleneck.
Not sure why you make a distinction here between sessions  and connected.
To be clear you mean 5000 bridge calls correct?
Since media is not an issue I think you can just start testing with sipp and
bwm-ng to see what is what.

1000 calls per second is a very big number.
Let us know how you make out.


Russell Treleaven

On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 5:40 PM, Andre <andretodd at verizon.net> wrote:

1000 calls per second and 10000 sessions with 4000 connected. What would be
From: freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org
[mailto:freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org] On Behalf Of Russell
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 5:25 PM
To: FreeSWITCH Users Help
Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] Network Card


If the media is bypassing you then you only need bandwidth for the


Depends primarily on the calls per second.


bwm-ng will help you to see whats going on.





On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 5:20 PM, Andre <andretodd at verizon.net> wrote:


Hi, is there anything special with the network card to get 10,000 sessions
in media bypass mode with FreeSwitch?  Will a Gig E be enough bandwidth?
What would it look like if the network card couldn't keep up and how can I
verify the network card is the bottleneck?


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