[Freeswitch-users] SOLVED: problems with mod_skypopen

Arsen arsen.semionov at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 17:12:47 MSD 2014


I can confirm that the method works, I've just managed to get all our skype
lines up and running again.


On Wednesday, August 6, 2014, Giovanni Maruzzelli <gmaruzz at gmail.com> wrote:

> You must follow strictly all steps, then it works :)
> Start from a clean desktop, as Arsen said, eg delete any previous .Skype
> directory
> Then, after you successfully connected to skype net and give auth to be
> connected by skypopen application, save the newly created .Skype dir
> Then on server put copies of that dir to substitute skype101, and rename
> it to skype101. Another way to say it: delete all contents of skype101 and
> substitute it with the contents of the .Skype dir
> Then edit the script that launches the skype clients
> Next week I will publish a tutorial.
> Stay tuned for it, and in the mean time please describe exactly all that
> you have done, down to the little detail, and Ill tell you if i spot
> something wrong.
> -giovanni
>  On Aug 6, 2014 2:41 PM, "Arsen" <arsen.semionov at gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','arsen.semionov at gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> Try to remove .Skype config dir before login.
>> When you login for the first time it works.
>> On Wednesday, August 6, 2014, Daniel Neubert <dnspyder at gmail.com
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','dnspyder at gmail.com');>> wrote:
>>>  I am stuck after step 4). The desktop client tries to connect but fails
>>> with "Server connect failed".
>>> On 06.08.2014 14:23, Giovanni Maruzzelli wrote:
>>> Have you followed each and every step?
>>> I mean, have you successfully had the skype client to connect to skype
>>> net from desktop, authorized it to be connected by app, savwd the
>>> directory, installed directory to server, modified the startskypecleitns
>>> script?
>>> Each and every step has to be followed precisely and in sequence.
>>> Seems you have not followed the listed procedure.
>>> On Aug 6, 2014 2:18 PM, "Daniel Neubert" <dnspyder at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  Unfortunately this method does not work for me :( I've set up a new
>>>> virtual box (ubuntu 14.04.01 LTS) with fresh FreeSWITCH from stash:
>>>> Skype
>>>> Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Skype Limited
>>>> Signin fails with "Server connect failed" - no matter if I use correct
>>>> or wrong password.
>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>> Daniel
>>>> On 06.08.2014 12:20, ThunderZ wrote:
>>>> Excellent.  It's all working good now.  Thank you very much.
>>>>  Following the hint from ThunderZ, I can announce a rough solution
>>>> (I'll document it better next week):
>>>> 1) you install the skype client downloaded by install.pl in a regular
>>>> desktop linux
>>>> 2) on desktop you load skypopen.ko and make the sound device as per
>>>> start-skype-clients script
>>>> 3) you start the skype instance on desktop
>>>> 4) on desktop you connect to the skype net with username and password
>>>> and set the "login at startup" checkbox
>>>> 5) on desktop you compile the client.c you found in configs dir of the
>>>> mod_skypopen source, as per the first line of the client.c file
>>>> 6) on desktop you exec the client.c program you just compiled
>>>> 7) on desktop you give the skype client authorization to be connected
>>>> from skypopen application and check the "no ask again" checkbox
>>>> 8) on desktop you exec the client.c program again to be sure it connect
>>>> no problem
>>>> 9) on desktop you save a copy of the entire ~/.Skype directory and cp
>>>> it on server
>>>> 10) on server you use that copy as a substitute of
>>>> /usr/local/freeswitch/skypopen/skype_clients_configuration_dir/skype101 to
>>>> skypeN (eg you copy it N times to skype101 skype102 etc)
>>>> 11) on server you modify the startup_skype_clients.sh script so it
>>>> simply launches the skype client, without username and password on stdin
>>>> and without --pipelogin option
>>>> It takes a little time and patience, but it works, and seems robust as
>>>> before.
>>>> The gateway skype-FreeSWITCH conference call is back online, answering
>>>> at skypeusername "freeswitch_conf_call", as always :).
>>>> -giovanni
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>> --
>> Regards,
>> Arsen.
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