[Freeswitch-users] Oubound ESL: unbridge

Grant Bagdasarian GB at cm.nl
Tue Apr 8 14:29:25 MSD 2014


Could anyone with Outbound ESL experience help me out with this matter?



From: freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org [mailto:freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org] On Behalf Of Grant Bagdasarian
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 1:11 PM
To: FreeSWITCH Users Help (freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org)
Subject: [Freeswitch-users] Oubound ESL: unbridge


I'm working on a C# application which takes control over an inbound call in Freeswitch using ESL outbound and it works like a charm! I can answer the call, play something, get digits, etc.
Now I'm at the point of implementing bridge functionality in the application.

Which one is the best approach and why?

1)      >From the Outbound ESL Application use the originate command to create a new outbound call and then use uuid_bridge to connect both incoming and outgoing?

2)      Use the bridge command from the esl application?

I would assume the first option would give me control over the b leg created as well, and the second option would not? This also brings me to my next question:

-          Is there a way to "unbridge" both call legs, do some stuff on the incoming (a) leg, and then bridge them back without disconnecting any of the legs?


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