[Freeswitch-users] LUA fax to email script and console fax management script
bruce at sqls.net
bruce at sqls.net
Tue Apr 8 00:54:28 MSD 2014
So, I've been working on creating a basic fax system in LUA with FS. It
stores all it's settings and such in a sqlite3 database using the
freeswitch.Dbh for the connection.
So far I've built a rxfax.lua script that will
- answer inbound calls
- try to detect voice calls (not foolproof)
- apply session variables pulled from a database table
- route the fax to an e-mail address pulled from a database table
- extract the freeswitch log for each call
- log the fax call and most variables to a database
Also, I've wrote another script faxctl.lua that you can invoke from the
fs console and
- set configuration settings to be used my the rxfax.lua script
- set did 2 email routes
- initialize alias and complete records for easier use
- display some basic stats on faxes.
It's all somewhat rough but it is working.
I just started with FS and LUA a couple weeks ago so I am guessing that
I have probably done some things wrong or in a very unoptimised way.
Today I got around to putting them into git and write a very short wiki
page on it so... I thought I would share what I've done so far and maybe
it will help someone and/or the more skilled users here might provide
some feedback on things to improve.
Here's a brief (very!) bit of info I've wrote up so far.
Here's the scripts
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