[Freeswitch-users] Configuring Freeswitch 1.4b for WebRTC Peer to Peer and to the PSTN

James Mortensen james.mortensen at synclio.com
Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MSD 2013


I'm working on a one-way audio bug that may or may not be either Asterisk
or Chrome WebRTC related. Details are here:
https://code.google.com/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=2347, but basically the
problem is that I get about 1 in 10 calls returning one way audio where
audio flows from the PSTN to Chrome but not the other way.

I believe the issue may be with Asterisk 11, based on Wireshark traces and
other troubleshooting, and if that's the case, I'm happy to try Freeswitch
as an alternative.
I tried the demo here:  https://webrtc.freeswitch.org/webrtc/portal.html,
and the 20 test calls to the PSTN worked perfect with two way audio.

So, now, onto the Freeswitch question:  Where is all the documentation for
configuring the Websocket server on Freeswitch 1.4b?  Where is the
documentation that explains how to get ICE enabled?  Why, when I enabled
the ws-bind port in internal.xml does the client fail to establish a WS

Basically, I'd love to get my hands on the docs for setting this up, but
the Internet is largely silent on this matter?  Is it possible for the
Freeswitch team to share the configuration they used to get that
JsSIP/Freeswitch demo setup?

If not the configuration, where would I find the docs for Freeswitch 1.4b?

Thank you!!


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- "*Another great thing about keeping the bug count at zero is that you can
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