[Freeswitch-users] mod_lcr and UnixODBC Error
fvillarroel at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 31 23:07:49 MSK 2013
Dear all.
I am trying to use mod_lcr, but in my tests i did received the follow error:
2013-10-31 16:35:03.916887 [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:1114 ERR: [SELECT l.digits AS lcr_digits, c.carrier_name AS lcr_carrier_name, l.rate AS lcr_rate_field, cg.prefix AS lcr_gw_prefix, cg.suffix AS lcr_gw_suffix, l.lead_strip AS lcr_lead_strip, l.trail_strip AS lcr_trail_strip, l.prefix AS lcr_prefix, l.suffix AS lcr_suffix, cg.codec AS lcr_codec, l.cid AS lcr_cid FROM lcr l JOIN carriers c ON l.carrier_id=c.id JOIN carrier_gateway cg ON c.id=cg.carrier_id WHERE c.enabled = '1' AND cg.enabled = '1' AND l.enabled = '1' AND (
(digits IN (12145551111, 1214555111, 121455511, 12145551, 1214555, 121455, 12145, 1214, 121, 12, 1) AND lrn = false) OR (digits IN (12145551111, 1214555111, 121455511, 12145551, 1214555, 121455, 12145, 1214, 121, 12, 1) AND lrn = true)) AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP BETWEEN date_start AND date_end ORDER BY digits DESC, rate, quality DESC, reliability DESC, random();]
[STATE: 42883 CODE 7 ERROR: [unixODBC]ERROR: el operador no existe: prefix_range = bigint;
Error while executing the query
I am using PostgreSQL 8.4.11 and Debian Squezee
How i can solve this issue?
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