[Freeswitch-users] Recording, mod_native_file, and passthrough codecs

Steven Ayre steveayre at gmail.com
Sun Oct 13 03:45:07 MSD 2013

Looking at the source, it appears mod_native_file supports writing.

So as a first question, is it possible to use mod_native_file to a record a
call (with record or record_session) in whatever the codec being used is,
to save both CPU and disk space? Since the IANA codec name won't be known
before the bridge for the extension, what is the correct usage to trigger
that behaviour?

Secondly if that's possible, how does that function with pass-through
codecs (723.1 729 AMR etc)? For example is it possible to record a G729
call with mod_native_file in the raw G729 format for playback later with
mod_native_file, something normally not possible since it would otherwise
require transcoding.

Obviously I could buy G729 licenses in that case, but that isn't possible
for other passthrough codecs.

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