[Freeswitch-users] pablio.h - MAX_IO_CHANNELS hardcoded to 2

Erik M. Devane - Comms Guy emdevane at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 08:23:36 MSK 2013

Dear all,

I've been fighting an issue with PortAudio on CentOS for a few days now: I
have two Delta 1010 cards which I'm using with mod_portaudio streams.

On Windows, the cards appear as eight two-channel devices, and FreeSWITCH
can use them. On CentOS, the cards appear as two eight-channel devices
(actually 10 out/12 in) and I'm unable to configure more than two channels
per card.

Looking at the code, it looks like pablio.h's MAX_IO_CHANNELS is hardcoded
to 2, and this is the limit of mod_portaudio. As it's a ring-buffer, I can
see why it might need to be a power of 2, but does anyone know why it is
set to 2?

How dangerous would it be to increase this value? Any thoughts?


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