[Freeswitch-users] tuning/measuring - hostile networking
Jon Hancock
jhancock at shellshadow.com
Mon Nov 18 12:20:28 MSK 2013
Hi list,
I’m working with FreeSwitch 1.5.x in BigBlueButton 0.81
We have a tough networking problem: Calls between China and New Zealand.
We’re running FreeSwitch on a Hong Kong VPS. This is presumed to be the best middle ground to have a server handle the calls.
The China domestic internet is messy and there’s a lot of filtering of traffic in/out of China. To compound the problem, traffic from New Zealand up to Hong Kong isn’t the greatest. For example, ping tests between a China user and the Hong Kong server are around 400ms and ping between New Zealand and the Hong Kong server are between 250-400ms.
What I’d like to do is find methods to measure/log the latency, packet loss, etc and associate this with subjective call quality.
This is our first step. As a second, I have an option of having the China side of the calls coming in over a VPN from China which could improve matters. I would need to understand how to have FreeSwitch use this VPN connect for one side of the call.
Also, if someone knows some good settings for codecs, etc for such a hostile environment, that might be a good starting point.
Any ideas appreciated! thanks, Jon
Jon Hancock
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