[Freeswitch-users] Memory Leak Windows + Mod_Managed

Andre andretodd at verizon.net
Fri Nov 15 22:14:06 MSK 2013

Hi, I'm using Windows and Mod_Managed (freeswitch-1.2.14 x64). After about 4
min of real production traffic at 30-40 CPS the memory goes from 50mg to
3GB. Freeswitch stops responding about 1.6gb.


I've checked with Ants memory profiler and the .Net code is only using about


In testing I send back a 503 and never hit bridge and things appear normal
and the memory returns back to normal. On production I hit the bridge
application and this is where the problem is.


I've removed Limit and any AppPlugin I've created.


I'm not sure what to do now. :( Is this a freeswitch memory issue,


The only modules I have running are


  <load module="mod_console"/>

  <load module="mod_enum"/>

    <load module="mod_event_socket"/>

   <load module="mod_sofia"/>

  <load module="mod_commands"/>

    <load module="mod_db"/>

    <load module="mod_dptools"/>

    <load module="mod_hash"/>

    <load module="mod_dialplan_xml"/>   

<load module="mod_managed"/>       

    <load module="mod_speex"/>

    <load module="mod_h26x"/>


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