[Freeswitch-users] Splitting CDRs on call forward
Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
cal.leeming at simplicitymedialtd.co.uk
Mon May 27 21:16:17 MSD 2013
You have to identify the correct headers dependent on the call context
(i.e. which leg did the bridge/forward, the originatee/originator etc).
Personally I've found that attaching custom headers onto each leg is the
best way to keep track things - but like Dave said, this really is a can of
It took me approx 6 months of various code iterations to eventually figure
out a way to do this that was suitable for our use case. Several people
have said to me "Cal, it's harder than it looks"... tbh it isn't, it's just
that the variables and API aren't exposed in a typically sane fashion, and
there is no definitive guide on the patterns to look for or best practices.
In short, it isn't complex, but it might make you bang your head off a wall
out of sheer frustration.
You need to ensure you compensate for both blind and attended transfers,
and consider what happens if a transfer goes between two domains.. that's
when things get really sticky :)
On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 5:01 PM, Jon Schøpzinsky <jos at firstcom.dk> wrote:
> Hi List,
> I am implementing call forwarding on a multi tenant system, and therefore
> need to split CDR's when the call forward happens, so that if the
> receiving user also has his account call forwarded, he pays for his part
> of the call.
> A calls B
> B forwards to C
> C forwards to an external mobile phone.
> B has a free call from B to C, but C needs to pay for the forwarding to
> the mobile phone. Therefore i need a separate CDR for the C to Mobile
> phone call.
> Another example would be this
> A works in Company A, and B works in Company B
> They are both users on our system, and therefore is on the same freeswitch.
> A calls B
> B Forwards to an external mobile phone.
> Here A needs to pay for the call from A to B, and B needs to pay for the
> call being forwarded to his mobile phone.
> Do anybody have an idea as to how to implement this in freeswitch. Back in
> my Asterisk days, this would be done by the ForkCDR command.
> Venlig hilsen/kind regards
> Jon Leren Schøpzinsky
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