[Freeswitch-users] Splitting CDRs on call forward
Ken Rice
krice at freeswitch.org
Mon May 27 20:27:59 MSD 2013
if you are lusing xml cdr, set the logging to both not just a or b legs, this will generate cdrs for all legs individually
Sent from my iPad
On May 27, 2013, at 11:01, Jon Schøpzinsky <jos at firstcom.dk> wrote:
> Hi List,
> I am implementing call forwarding on a multi tenant system, and therefore
> need to split CDR's when the call forward happens, so that if the
> receiving user also has his account call forwarded, he pays for his part
> of the call.
> A calls B
> B forwards to C
> C forwards to an external mobile phone.
> B has a free call from B to C, but C needs to pay for the forwarding to
> the mobile phone. Therefore i need a separate CDR for the C to Mobile
> phone call.
> Another example would be this
> A works in Company A, and B works in Company B
> They are both users on our system, and therefore is on the same freeswitch.
> A calls B
> B Forwards to an external mobile phone.
> Here A needs to pay for the call from A to B, and B needs to pay for the
> call being forwarded to his mobile phone.
> Do anybody have an idea as to how to implement this in freeswitch. Back in
> my Asterisk days, this would be done by the ForkCDR command.
> Venlig hilsen/kind regards
> Jon Leren Schøpzinsky
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