[Freeswitch-users] Freeswitch versioning / tagging /releasemanagement

Paul Cupis paul at cupis.co.uk
Fri May 24 19:54:10 MSD 2013

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 05:44:24PM +0200, mbo wrote:
> On the wiki I can see that the latest stable freeswitch release is 1.2.9. If I look into git (git tag -l -n1), I can see that there are many tags with a higher version, but older tag date.

> What about those tags? How is the release management organized? 

1.<even> is a stable release.
1.<odd> is a development release.

I'd suggest using the v1.2.stable branch as this is the most "release"
version currently.


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