[Freeswitch-users] Audio delay problem after upgrading to newest GIT version - increasing delay only on one leg

Adam Raszynski netcentrica at gmail.com
Thu May 23 12:11:57 MSD 2013


I have very strange problem with audio after upgrading of FS to the newest
GIT version.

Previous version was quite old, but worked without problems for a long time:
FreeSWITCH version: 1.0.head (git-313b164 2011-11-26 08-53-01 -0600)

Current version is:
FreeSWITCH version: 1.5.1b ()

All configuration files are the same (exact copy)

System: Debian Lenny 32-bit
All calls are made over SIP

- IVR prompt playback is OK
- FAX sending/receiving is OK
- Calling to remote servers via VoIP provider is OK
- The only problem is calling to local user and it's very strange. When
external user calls local user (SIP call, via IVR, then bridge), audio
stream from external user is OK, but audio stream from local user sent to
external user is very delayed. Delay increases during a call. At the
beginning is about 1 second, all the time delay is increasing. Audio is
reaching external user but after about 30 seconds of call stream is delayed
for about 10 seconds. At the same time audio stream from external user is
heard by local user with no delays.

Propably something changed in FS core or config files and I need to adjust
to the new version. As I stated before configuration is exact copy and
worked perfectly on older version.

Any hints what should I check or change to solve this problem?

Kind Regards
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