[Freeswitch-users] Cannot ring extension from DID

Mike Hendrie mike at hendrienet.com
Tue May 21 21:47:57 MSD 2013

As you may have guessed, I'm new to the application.  Can you say how I
should configure the inbound?

On May 21, 2013 12:43 PM, "Philippe Le Toquin" <philippe at ppmt.org> wrote:

> For the inbound I didn't comment because I can't understand how your
> dialplan would link your gateway to your extension
> On 21 May 2013 00:50, Mike Hendrie <mike at hendrienet.com> wrote:
>> I will take a closer look at the gateways.  However, your email looks
>> like it was sent before you completed it.
>> What about the inbound DID? Any ideas?
>> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Philippe Le Toquin <philippe at ppmt.org>wrote:
>>>  I am no expert so I could be wrong but:
>>> First your outbound is no registered (NOREG) so that is most likely
>>> going to prevent outgoing call
>>> Also you refer to default_gateway in your dialplan....what value is it
>>> set to? Check vars.xmls
>>> I normally use directly the name of my gateway instead of using variable
>>> (might not be the best way though )
>>> But you have the
>>> On 13-05-19 11:39 PM, Mike Hendrie wrote:
>>> Thank you for your response.  Per your request here is the result of the sofia
>>> status command:
>>>  freeswitch at internal> sofia status
>>>                      Name          Type
>>>       Data      State
>>> =================================================================================================
>>>                 alias
>>>   internal      ALIASED
>>>                  internal       profile
>>> sip:mod_sofia at      RUNNING (0)
>>>                  external       profile
>>> sip:mod_sofia at      RUNNING (0)
>>>     external::example.com       gateway
>>> sip:joeuser at example.com      NOREG
>>> external::BatCave-inbound      gateway      sip:J0k3R!@BacCave.hole.Xom     REGED
>>> external::BatCat-outbound     gateway      sip:J0k3R!@BacCave.hole.Xom
>>>    NOREG
>>>            GothamCity.xom         alias
>>>   internal      ALIASED
>>>             internal-ipv6       profile                   sip:mod_sofia@[::1]:5060
>>>      RUNNING (0)
>>> =================================================================================================
>>> 3 profiles 2 aliases
>>>  ==========================================
>>>  /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/dialplan/default/GothamCity.xom.xml
>>>  <!-- http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Dialplan_XML -->
>>> <include>
>>>   <context name="GothamCity.xom">
>>>    <extension name="vitel-inbound">
>>>      <condition field="destination_number" expression="">
>>>         <action application="transfer" data="1000 XML default"/>
>>>      </condition>
>>>     </extension>
>>> ==========================================
>>>   /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/dialplan/default/GothamCity.xom.xml
>>>  <include>
>>>    <extension name="local.example.com">
>>>     <condition field="${toll_allow}" expression="local"/>
>>>     <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(\d{7})$">
>>>       <action application="set"
>>> data="effective_caller_id_number=${outbound_caller_id_number}"/>
>>>       <action application="set"
>>> data="effective_caller_id_name=${outbound_caller_id_name}"/>
>>>       <action application="bridge"
>>> data="sofia/gateway/${default_gateway}/1${default_areacode}$1"/>
>>>     </condition>
>>>   </extension>
>>>    <extension name="domestic.example.com">
>>>     <condition field="${toll_allow}" expression="domestic"/>
>>>     <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(\d{11})$">
>>>       <action application="set"
>>> data="effective_caller_id_number=${outbound_caller_id_number}"/>
>>>       <action application="set"
>>> data="effective_caller_id_name=${outbound_caller_id_name}"/>
>>>       <action application="bridge"
>>> data="sofia/gateway/${default_gateway}/$1"/>
>>>     </condition>
>>>   </extension>
>>>    <extension name="international.example.com">
>>>     <condition field="${toll_allow}" expression="international"/>
>>>     <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(011\d+)$">
>>>       <action application="set"
>>> data="effective_caller_id_number=${outbound_caller_id_number}"/>
>>>       <action application="set"
>>> data="effective_caller_id_name=${outbound_caller_id_name}"/>
>>>       <action application="bridge"
>>> data="sofia/gateway/${default_gateway}/$1"/>
>>>     </condition>
>>>   </extension>
>>>  </include>
>>>  ==========================================
>>>  /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/external/vitelity.xml
>>>  <include>
>>>         <gateway name="BatCave-outbound">
>>>            <!--/// account username *required* ///-->
>>>            <param name="username" value="Joker"/>
>>>            <!--/// auth realm: *optional* same as gateway name, if blank
>>> ///-->
>>>            <param name="realm" value="BatCave-outbound"/>
>>>            <!--/// account password *required* ///-->
>>>            <param name="password" value="2F at ce"/>
>>>            <!--/// extension for inbound calls: *optional* same as
>>> username, if blank ///-->
>>>            <param name="extension" value="default"/>
>>>            <!--/// proxy host: *optional* same as realm, if blank ///-->
>>>            <param name="proxy" value="outbound1.BatCave.net"/>
>>>            <!--/// expire in seconds: *optional* 3600, if blank ///-->
>>>            <param name="expire-seconds" value="600"/>
>>>            <!--/// register: *optional* true, if blank ///-->
>>>            <param name="register" value="false" />
>>>          </gateway>
>>>         </include>
>>>          <include>
>>>         <gateway name="BatCave-inbound">
>>>            <!--/// account username *required* ///-->
>>>            <param name="username" value="Joker"/>
>>>            <!--/// auth realm: *optional* same as gateway name, if blank
>>> ///-->
>>>            <param name="realm" value="BatCave-inbound"/>
>>>            <!--/// account password *required* (do not include
>>> allow=all) ///-->
>>>            <param name="password" value="2F at ce"/>
>>>            <!--/// extension for inbound calls: *optional* same as
>>> username, if blank ///-->
>>>            <param name="extension" value="default"/>
>>>            <!--/// proxy host: *optional* same as realm, if blank ///-->
>>>            <param name="proxy" value="Yup.Not.REAL.Port"/>
>>>            <!--/// expire in seconds: *optional* 3600, if blank ///-->
>>>            <param name="expire-seconds" value="600"/>
>>>            <param name="context" value="inbound"/>
>>>            <!--/// register: *optional* true, if blank ///-->
>>>            <param name="register" value="true" />
>>>          </gateway>
>>>         </include>
>>>  ==========================================
>>>  /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/GothamCity.xom/1000.xml
>>>  <include>
>>>   <user id="1000">
>>>     <params>
>>>       <param name="password" value="$${default_password}"/>
>>>       <param name="vm-password" value="1000"/>
>>>     </params>
>>>     <variables>
>>>       <variable name="toll_allow" value="domestic,international,local"/>
>>>       <variable name="accountcode" value="1000"/>
>>>      <!-- <variable name="user_context" value="default"/>-->
>>>       <variable name="effective_caller_id_name" value="Extension 1000"/>
>>>       <variable name="effective_caller_id_number" value="1000"/>
>>>       <variable name="outbound_caller_id_name"
>>> value="$${outbound_caller_name}"/>
>>>        <variable name="outbound_caller_id_number"
>>> value="$${outbound_caller_id}"/>
>>>       <variable name="callgroup" value="techsupport"/>
>>>     </variables>
>>>   </user>
>>> </include>
>>>   ==========================================
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