[Freeswitch-users] Recommendation for Billing for Hosted PBX Platform

Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] cal.leeming at simplicitymedialtd.co.uk
Mon May 20 17:54:16 MSD 2013

Take a look at chargify.com - they are extremely good.


On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Deon Vermeulen
<vermeulen.deon at gmail.com>wrote:

>  Hi,
> I've been looking at the Kazoo as a very viable option as a HostedPBX
> platform, but don't find any information with regards to Billing.
> I've also been tracking the thread about recommended GUI where 2600Hz are
> in the process for updated the code in git for Blue.box.
> This also looks like a possibility for a HostedPBX platform, but then
> again I have no idea about the Billing software to use for this.
> FusionPBX is a top contender if no the number 1 for a HostedPBX platform
> but again information for Billing is lacking.
> I would like to know what the feel out there is for Billing on a HostedPBX
> Platform, i.e. Cloud.
> If would be great if there is an opensource Billing system.
> I've purchased the jBilling Telecom guide, but no where can I find
> information about integrating with FreeSWITCH nor implementing it for a
> HostedPBX platform in the Cloud.
> Kind Regards
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