[Freeswitch-users] Freeswitch & Opsview Monitoring

Alex Ynema alex at opensystems.net.au
Fri May 17 09:24:17 MSD 2013

I thought I'd post this for people reference. I've configured opsview
(Nagios) to monitor my current sessions & graph it so I can match
performance & usage.

On the Freeswitch server install the opsview-agent & set service to auto

Create check_freeswitch_sessions.sh in /usr/local/nagios/libexec & chkmod
+x the script

set fsStatus=" "
/usr/local/freeswitch/bin/fs_cli -x "show calls count" > /tmp/fsStatus
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "Critical: Freeswitch not responding!"
        rm /tmp/fsStatus
        exit -1

fsCalls=`grep "total."</tmp/fsStatus`

#Strip unwanted chars from the channels responses to get pure ints.
fsCalls=${fsCalls/ total./}

# Build a message up
message="Active Sessions: $fsCalls"
echo $message

rm /tmp/fsStatus
#exit $fsCalls
exit 0

The add the following to /usr/local/nagios/nrpe.cfg


On Opsview server use check_nrpe service check to remotely run the
check_freeswitch_sessions service check.

Then on your opsview server

edit /usr/local/nagios/etc/map and add the following
# Service type: Freeswitch Sessions
#   ouput:Active Sessions: 0
and push @s, [ "session",
               [ "sessions", GAUGE, $1 ] ];

*Alex Ynema** *| IT Consultant
alex at opensystems.net.au

Level 1, 409-411 Oxford Street, Mount Hawthorne WA 6016
Office: +61 8 9427 2500
Mobile: +61 404 796 894
<http://www.ynema.net/>IT Consultant for Open Systems Support
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