[Freeswitch-users] Sdp manipulation help

Daniel Ivanov sertys at gmail.com
Thu May 16 21:42:41 MSD 2013

I am having trouble putting srtp to optional mode. UAs send sdp with
rtp/avp and a:crypto lines which im permitting. But i want to decide
whether the call uses srtp or zrtp. The UAs send also zrtp-hash. I export
sip_secure_media to false but am still seeing the a:crypto lines being sent
to the b-leg. I cut them off in my dialplan with set switch_r_sdp,  but
that breaks the whole negotiation, because the sdp isn't properly patched
afterwards for nat( i also set a bunch of other vars afterwards). Is there
a polite way of telling fs to remove the a:crypto lines and break the srtp
and thus activating zrtp.
Running 1.2.8git with inbound_zrtp_passthru to true.
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