[Freeswitch-users] Late mother's day gift - Advanced Do Not Call service!

Alex Crow acrow at integrafin.co.uk
Wed May 15 23:35:34 MSD 2013

The idea of a CLI reputation service comes to mind. You'd have to have 
something to make sure that submissions tp the service are sufficiently 
difficult for voice spammers but easy for legitimate originators. 
However such a thing requires traction to work (just like DNSSEC, SPF 
and DomainKeys) so it might be a long wait...

On 15/05/13 17:24, I put the Who? in Mishehu wrote:
> There are already sites like this up, but they don't act as a 
> blacklist.  More so they're forums where people talk about what type 
> of calls they received from a given phone number.
> -Yossi

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