[Freeswitch-users] Compatibilitie between SIP V1.3.0.23 and SIP V2 Sofia Stack
Steven Ayre
steveayre at gmail.com
Fri May 3 13:16:01 MSD 2013
Spotted this on the sofia configuration page:
Note: If your switch requires the timer option; for instance, Huawei
> SoftX3000, it needs this optional field and drops the calls with "Session
> Timer Check Message Failed", then you may be able to revert back the commit
> that took away the Require: timer option which is an optional field by:
Perhaps this is the issue? According to the wiki that issue requires a
patch to the FreeSWITCH source, check the wiki link above.
On 3 May 2013 10:13, Steven Ayre <steveayre at gmail.com> wrote:
> is their software version, not the SIP protocol version. Both
> will be using SIP v2.
> Some different devices do have different interpretations of that standard
> though, which can lead to interop problems between different device types.
> I suggest you contact your carrier to ask why they're sending 500 - they
> may be able to advise you what is causing this error.
> -Steve
> On 3 May 2013 09:54, Deon Vermeulen <vermeulen.deon at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All
>> Due to time constraints I'm posting here for the hope for a quick
>> response.
>> I'm currently trying to setup a Trunk to our upstream Carrier.
>> The issues we are facing is that inbound calls from them are working 100%.
>> Outbound calls to them are returned with a 500 error.
>> The only immediate differences we could pickup was the SIP versions.
>> They have a Huawei MSOFTX3000 running SIP version
>> I'm running freeSWITCH 1.5.1b+git~20130414T025052Z~969eae39d9
>> Is there any possibility someone could help me figure out what
>> compatibility issues between the SIP versions could cause, especially for
>> out bound calls to the Carrier?
>> Thank you very much
>> Kind Regards
>> Deon Vermeulen
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