[Freeswitch-users] FreeBSD thread issues?

Tim St. Pierre fs-list at communicatefreely.net
Wed Mar 27 20:01:53 MSK 2013


I have a moderately sized production environment where I'm running 1.2
stable on FreeBSD 8.2

After either about 60,000 calls, or about a week of operation, I run a
very high risk of getting into some sort of state where FS can't create
any more threads.

Lately, I'm seeing instances where Sofia stops processing requests for a
minute or so, and channels will get stuck (you can't kill them with

I have opened JIRA tickets on these issues, but the response I got was
that it looks like another FreeBSD specific threading issue, and it
won't be fixed any time soon.

I have about 350 SIP devices registered, and usually don't see more than
50 sessions at a time, yet I'm having a very hard time running a stable
production system.

Are there others out there using FreeBSD, and if so, are you having the
same problems?

I'm doing a test install with CentOS to see if it solves my probles, but
I'm not nearly as familiar with it and would rather stay with BSD if I can.

Thanks for the input.


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