[Freeswitch-users] Freeswitch + MSSQL

Andre Demattia andretodd at verizon.net
Tue Mar 26 20:54:00 MSK 2013

User databases, call routing etc. I am not sure what the steps are. The book I have only shows Linux configuration not odbc to mssql.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Dave R. Kompel" <drk at drkngs.net>
Sent: ‎3/‎26/‎2013 1:39 PM
To: "FreeSWITCH Users Help" <freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org>
Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] Freeswitch + MSSQL

Connect it how? Use it for the internal database, or do other things with it, such as User databases, call routing etc...?  

  From: Andre Demattia [mailto:andretodd at verizon.net]
To: freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org [mailto:freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org]
Sent: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 08:49:25 -0700
Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] Freeswitch + MSSQL


HI, I'm new to Freeswitch and need to know how to connect my Windows Freeswitch to MSSQL.
Can you share your example and step by step instructions ?
I assume I need a Mod?
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