[Freeswitch-users] e164.org

Steven Schoch schoch+freeswitch.org at xwin32.com
Tue Mar 19 02:57:53 MSK 2013

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Giovanni Maruzzelli <gmaruzz at gmail.com>wrote:

> yes, we all want.

When you register a number at e164.org, it first asks for the URL, and it
will place a test call to verify it. Since my PBX is at a static address, I
used <DID number>@pbx.<domain>.com:5080, since that's what the FreeSwitch
default is. I opened port 5080 in the firewall to allow incoming SIP calls.
 Since it was already working through flowroute.com, the appropriate media
ports were already open.

Next, to verify a number, e164.org will call your number via the PSTN. By
testing with a POTS line, I knew e164.org would be sending +12243336164 as
the caller-ID number. Therefore, I short-circuited the route to our IVR in
the public dialplan to route calls from that number directly to my

  <extension name="CID route">
    <condition field="caller_id_number" expression="^\+?(12243336164)$">
      <action application="set" data="domain_name=$${domain}"/>
      <action application="transfer" data="523 XML default"/>

After e164.org had placed the SIP test call, I pressed the "next" button
and a few minutes later it called through the PSTN. I picked up the phone
and listened very carefully, because it only says the numbers once, and it
says them very quickly. I wrote the PIN down and entered it in the "My
Numbers" page.  I also added my white pages information while I was there.

Next, I set up the outgoing dialplan to use the e164.org ENUM service
exactly as specified at
To test it out, I used the e164.org white pages lookup to find somebody in
my same city and gave him a call.  It routed the call directly via SIP,
bypassing the PSTN.

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Sergey Okhapkin <sos at sokhapkin.dyndns.org>

> Congratulations! Expect a lot of free spam calls now...

I was getting those before. :-)  Do telemarketers prefer VoIP?

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