[Freeswitch-users] Bridge problem from outbound socket

Denis Gasparin denis.gasparin at edistar.com
Sat Mar 2 14:06:11 MSK 2013


We call an extension called "netcat" which is configured in this way: 

<extension name="netcat"> 
<condition field="context" expression="public"/> 
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^netcat$"> 
<action application="log" data="INFO extension netcat"/> 
<action application="socket" data=" async full"/> 

The inbound call is correctly routed to a netcat socket listening on localhost:8085. 

When I get the socket connect, I issue the following commands: 


call-command: execute 
execute-app-name: answer 

call-command: execute 
execute-app-name: bridge 
execute-app-arg: sofia/external/external_number at external_domain 

The bridge is done correctly but the media stream is not bidirectional: 

    • Aleg can listen Bleg 
    • Bleg can speak but doesn't hear Aleg 

The strange thing is that if I put on hold and unhold Aleg with: 

call-command: execute 
execute-app-name: hold 

call-command: execute 
execute-app-name: unhold 

the media stream is recovered correctly: Aleg and Bleg can speak/listen each other. 

I attach pastebin for completeness: 

    • Freeswitch log: http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/pastebin.php?dl=20656 
    • Outbound socket log: http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/pastebin.php?dl=20657 

Thank you for your help. 
Denis Gasparin
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