[Freeswitch-users] Setting custom presence/BLF
Kelly McDonald
kelly at fammcdonald.net
Wed Jun 12 06:21:12 MSD 2013
The answer to your question (dated Apr 13 2013) is yes:
I'm hoping that this matches up with your earlier post so that others can find it (I'm new to the Freeswitch mailing list, so I couldn't just reply to the message.)
With the help of Allamamond here on the list, I was able to do the following:
telnet localhost 8021
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> Content-Type: auth/request
auth ClueCon
> Content-Type: command/reply
> Reply-Text: +OK accepted
sendevent PRESENCE_IN
proto: sip
from: 6001 at
login: 6001 at
event_type: presence
alt_event_type: dialog
event_count: 1
unique-id: kpmtest1
Presence-Call-Direction: outbound
Answer-State: early
> Content-Type: command/reply
> Reply-Text: +OK a4e12f2a-d2c3-11e2-9598-1170e5c1ad37
Unique-id should most likely be . . . um - unique (although it worked fine for me when it wasn't)
And I tried a virtual id for the from and login. For example"kpmtest at" worked fine. On the phone (yealink) I just used "6001" or "kpmtest" in the BLF without the trailing domain.
Answer-State could also be "confirmed" or "terminated"
Finally, this was working with 1.2 Freeswitch.
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