[Freeswitch-users] Using mod_xml_curl from parse.com

Peter Steinbach lists at telefaks.de
Sat Jun 8 16:25:08 MSD 2013

My idea would be to have a local proxy in between:

  * the proxy receives the request from Freeswitch
  * the proxy parses the submitted parameters into a JSON string
  * the proxy opens a request with your below parameters + JSON to parse.com
  * then proxy receives the answer from parse.com, e.g. modifies some
    data, dependent on how the data is returned (JSON?)
  * then proxy returns the answer to Freeswitch

A simple solution (e.g. based on Ruby) for this should be 1 page of
code, dependend on the configuration options. But any other language
would do that too.
On higher XML-Curl loads, concurrency will be an issue to take care about.

Best regards

On 06/08/13 13:36, Ivan C Myrvold wrote:
> I am thinking about using parse.com <http://parse.com> to serve
> dynamic configuration XML files for FreeSWITCH. parse.com
> <http://parse.com> gives this as an example of how to use Cloud Code
> to run a function:
> |curl -X POST \|
> |  ||-H ||"X-Parse-Application-Id:
> wCjhhG6tSASMGxvFwPESUCFCW3KykGeyCJqg8z1U"| |\|
> |  ||-H ||"X-Parse-REST-API-Key:
> wL8WMeyLcKyfemomB94mLICLhhi8xw1G1DrEapAp"| |\|
> |  ||-H ||"Content-Type: application/json"| |\|
> |  ||-d ||'{}'| |\|
> |  ||https:||//api||.parse.com <http://parse.com>||/1/functions/hello|
> Is it possible to populate xml_curl.conf.xml so that  freeswitch will
> use the same HTTP headers? 
> Ivan
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With kind regards
Peter Steinbach 

Telefaks Services GmbH
mailto:lists (att) telefaks.de
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