[Freeswitch-users] Is Cluecon for me?

Michael Collins msc at freeswitch.org
Tue Jul 16 03:31:52 MSD 2013

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Anthony Minessale <
anthony.minessale at gmail.com> wrote:

> We don't have booths but we have displays and tables and access to the
> actual developers from these companies who give presentations on their
> devices and they often have samples with them.  Many of the sponsors are
> hardware vendors who have donated devices to give away in the raffle.
By the way, this method works very well. Instead of a gauntlet of vendor
booths you have a simple table, chairs, and possibly some demonstration
items. It makes it very easy to sit down and have a conversation with reps
from the given sponsor. Like Tony said, these are generally more technical
individuals, not the sales types you'd typically see at a trade show. Also,
the sponsors tend to be more relaxed because they don't feel obligated to
man a booth all day long.

I know for sure that the Yealink folks are going to bring a number of
phones to set up and demo for our attendees. Many of our other sponsors
will also have ways to demonstrate their offerings. In any case, you will
definitely get a chance to talk to the people that matter. For example,
from Flowroute we will have the co-founder of the company there. From
Sangoma we have two engineers. Add to that the guy who wrote FreeSWITCH,
the guy who wrote OpenSIPS, the guy who wrote Kamailio, the co-founder of
2600hz, the CTO of OnSIP/Junction Networks... the list goes on.

It's a can't-miss event if ever there was one.


Michael S Collins
Twitter: @mercutioviz
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