[Freeswitch-users] Limit calls per user and transferring issue

Colin Mason cmason at frontiernetworks.ca
Thu Jan 31 12:40:29 MSK 2013


I am running 1.3.13b git 8859eb0 2012-12-30 19:08:55Z

I am trying to use limit to keep the maximum calls (in+out) per registration at one. 

I am using 2 Linksys SPA303 phones both registered as extension 1000. I am using BLF and it works. I can transfer a call to the other phone by pressing hold on phone 1 and pressing the blinking BLF light on phone 2. I am using limit_ignore_transfer=true.

If I transfer an inbound call to the other phone, the limit for that user persists and everything works. If I transfer an outbound call over to the other phone, the limit decrements to 0 which is unintended in my setup. I was wondering if there was a way to make transferring outbound calls to another phone have the same limit behavior as transferring inbound calls. I read that this can be done using loopbacks but I am unsure how to approach using a loopback to perform this function.

Any help is much appreciated.


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