[Freeswitch-users] softphones on Amazon

Stuart Mills stuart.mills3 at btopenworld.com
Mon Jan 28 12:26:59 MSK 2013


I have a strange problem using FreeSwitch on an Amazon EC2 instance and was wondering if anyone out there could help me.

The problem seems to be that I can register an extension from a remote network in say France, phone works ok but when passing calls to it (from sip peer through JavaScript to user extension) I get one way audio, the caller can hear me on the softphone but I can’t hear them – like the reverse audio path can’t be established.

That would be ok and fixable if the issue was consistent but on another phone registered from within the UK, it all works fine and I get a good 2 way conversation.

If I dial from one softphone in France directly to the other in the UK, that works too.

I followed the wiki’s guide to installing on Amazon and have everything right, otherwise I doubt it would work at all.

Is anyone able to help me or have experience of this type of issue? Maybe it’s a local router issue to the phone in France but I didn’t need to do anything special to the one in the UK to work, so not sure it could be that either.

Kind Regards,

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